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How to be happy? PLAY WITH LIFE!


I’m sure we’ve all heard this before: don’t take life too seriously, just play with it. WELL! I’m about to tell you exactly the same. We all want things, and we all want to be happy, yet we forget to play and enjoy the ride while we are travelling. Please do tell me how you can enjoy your manifestations if you don’t even enjoy the ride of manifesting. It’s SUCH A CRUCIAL PART of manifesting. Because when you enjoy the ride, your happiness will only attract more happiness, and that’s the kind of snowball we want to see rolling downhill, no?

Playing with life is experimenting with life. It’s experimenting with what you say yes to, simply to find out if there is any joy to experience in it. And if there’s not, then ask yourself: how can I make this even more fun? You can take my word for it that  fun will be sent your way by your soul and the universe. But don’t take things too seriously, because it will make you worry. And worry is something we need a lot less of. Smiles and happiness on the other hand; in abundance please!

It's so important to focus less on the result and more on the joy of everything. We usually focus on a result to bring us  joy, yet that joy will only last for a while or it might not even come at all if the result is different from our expectations. So why not play our way to the result and let it be whatever it will be? And focus on play and joy along the way. It will not only make you feel happier, the result will also be 10 times better than you could have expected, BECAUSE:

1.       You are free of expectations, so it will be good anyway

2.       Joy attracts more joy! Playfulness will attract more opportunities for playfulness and joy, etc.

And as I said before, that’s the kind of snowball we want. Joy opens your heart and it gives you faith that eventually, everything will turn out well. And it will, it always will. Maybe not in the way we would have expected, but always in a way will make you feel happy.

Living happily is also a matter of allowing yourself to. Some may disagree with me, but in my experience, it’s a decision we make. Namely, the decision that I allow myself to live happily and in a way that fits my desires, passion, personality and needs. My personal road to happiness consists of living as my soul. I am my soul and I allow myself and my life circumstances to adapt so I can live happily as her. It felt quite weird to affirm this in the  beginning, because I knew I was inviting abundance into my life, but I didn’t quite understand what it was yet. But allowing myself to live as my soul has changed my life in so many ways. I feel so much happier, because allowing myself to live as my soul, meant allowing myself to live a life where I can practice and develop what I’m passionate about. It means living my life in a way that makes me feel SO comfortable and loved. It means growing spiritually, but in love, not in suffering. Because I do not have to suffer to grow. I just have to love myself and the corresponding growth will follow. Many rainbows and sunshine as well, by the way. Living as your soul is such a joyful, playful path.

LIVE LIFE, LOVE LIFE and PLAY WITH LIFE. Invite your soul into your life and let her show you the joy of it. Allow her to. Because LOVE knows you’re worth it.

I wish you loads of happiness, joy and playfulness to go around.


With all my love, warmth, happiness and appreciation,



1 Comment

Mirjam Verhage
Mirjam Verhage
Jul 10

"My personal road to happiness consists of living as my soul. I am my soul and I allow myself and my life circumstances to adapt so I can live happily as her." True words and sums it all up how to flow through life. Thank you for this wonderful reminder Lynn <3


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